God’s preparation

I honestly have to say a BiG thank you to god. Through the trials and failures in several relationship in the past, I learn how to be patient and wait for God’s providence.

It’s almost like a dream. Today, I am being someone’s girlfriend for 3 days. God prepared a man for me, whom I knew for more than 6 years. He is one of my best buddies, prayer partners and we had shared all the up and down moments in the past. But in the last 6 years we never get a spark., and couldn’t imagine that we will be together.

This man, who I deeply loved in the past as best friends and sister in church, now becoming my boyfriend and this just like a dream to me. But I thank God for creating this moment for us. Both of us learn how to be patient and seek for His will, and share all the prayers.

God has His timing. He prepared long before we can think about it. He lets us to learn how to be committed to each other and even support each other spiritually. I love you Lord, and may Your name be glorified. And hope not just me, but us can be a light to shine for you.